カテゴリーホビー楽器アート美術品アンティークコレクション工芸品商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし配送料の負担送料込み出品者負担配送の方法らくらくメルカリ便発送元の地域東京都発送まで 追加支払いの際は、支払い内容と手数料をご確認ください。セキュリティを確保し、資金の不正使用を防ぎます。
This is a magnificent Hannya mask crafted by Yamanaka Shodo, the head of the Sanuki Ittobori tradition. Among the traditional Noh masks, the Hannya mask is particularly popular for expressing intense emotions such as jealousy and hatred, making a strong presence in Noh and Kyogen performances.
Artist: A work by Yamanaka Shodo, a master of Sanuki Ittobori.
Material: Made from natural wood, it features intricate carving and finishing.
Condition: Overall in good condition, with a charming patina that reflects the passage of time. Comes with a hanging cord, ready to be displayed.
Usage: Suitable for enthusiasts of traditional performing arts and collectors, as well as an impressive interior decoration piece.
Size: Height: approx. 23 cm, Width: approx. 17 cm
This piece is perfect for those interested in Noh theater or Japanese culture, or anyone looking for a special handcrafted work of art. Don’t miss this opportunity to bring a piece of Japan’s traditional beauty into your home.
GRIEGO Alessi 5E糸魚川翡翠 原石 宮崎海岸 海石 ろうかん 質含 オールドコレクション限定50部 葉祥明 題名不明 ジクレー サイン有 人気絵本作家部活応援‼️調整済‼️銀メッキ‼️ヤマハフルート YFL211S Eメカ木のアートフレーム(イタリア製)513 x 407